Thursday, May 19, 2011

Online Customer Behavior: HKAW

People nowadays reply very heavily on Internet. The general activities of them can be categorized by connect, create, enjoy, learn and trade. Online shoppers tend to be more goal oriented and be either convenience or price oriented. That means as a e-marketer, we should take advantage of this and exploit them to generate opportunities to our businesses.

Since HKAW is an non-profit organization, we create activities to connect students together with young professions and help them to build up network. Thus, we should focus more on convenience regarding to our online advertising. The HKAW website is not quite updated with all the related events. Moreover, it is so boring that there is not even a video in it. They do have some Youtube videos uploaded and share on Facebook. However, their videos are so dull and not fun at all. So that's what I think they are not doing quite successful in their spreading of words.

And since online customers tend to value convenience, the online marketing and promotion of any activities required people who want to attend to sign in the spread sheet. That so not convenience. I think it's better for them to re-design the web and make the contact more convenience. And for people who want to join any activities should provide them more easy to access to the attendant sheet.

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