Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1. Name of your client and what product/services they provide.

Seattle Clutter Solution- The client is an organization consultant who makes an suggestion to her consumer by organizing their space and time.

Strength: Local and small business which easily to gain loyalty

Weakness: Many people don’t think that they need any help for organizing their space or time.

Hardly to explain this type of business

Opportunities: Not too many competitors

Still have a market

Threats: spending too much money on marketing tools which might not work out

2. Select which areas of social media are the best match for your client and, for this assignment, a short reason why.

I think Facebook is the best area for her to work with. The reason is that her target audience is late 45 years old to senior. These groups of people have Facebook account to share picture to their families. I am thinking that Blogger is another best area to work which can target to new audiences between 30-45 years old women.

3. You must include a formal word of mouth marketing plan so include the 5T's but for this assignment you don't need to identify each element of the 5T's unless you wish to.


Talkers: Female; Local customers; my client’s friends, neighbors, and church members.

Topic: The Tip of organization; the trends of decoration of house;

Tools: Blogger, Facebook, QR code

Taking Part: Posting some tips on Facebook, Blogger and website/ Reply customers’ questions as soon as possible when they leave a message on social media and say “Thank You” to them by leaving message/ Wearing QR code logo T-shirt and posting a QR code poster on car.


· Checking how many Facebook friends are on Facebook

· Checking a number of people who scan QR code

· Checking how many people to see the Blog

4. Think about mobile and whether it could help your client. If so, what kind of mobile marketing are you looking at? QR code, phone app, iPad (tablet) app, and, for this assignment, a short reason why.

I think QR code can help my client because it is the way to expand her new target audience.

Does it make sense for your client to create an alliance with a partner for cause marketing? If so, for this assignment, a short reason why.
I think my client should do it. The reason is that her business is too small and limit budget, so she needs partnership with other small business which create word of mouth marketing.

6. You should include ethical standards appropriate to your client.

My client should respect online and offline conversations and negative comments and never try to control their conversations.
My client must provide honest information on the website and social media.
Setting up some ethical rules for people who work with her by taking care her websites and Facebook. Letting them know that they can’t make fake and incorrect information and comments on social media or website.

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