Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last Blog: What I Learned In Marketing 491

Social Media is not a fad:

A statement worth repeating - social media is not a fad. (Socialnomics) Businesses today do not have a choice on whether or not to do social media. The choice for businesses to make is how well they will use social media because consumers and competitors will continue to talk about businesses with or without the business’ participation.


In my introduction to marketing class sophomore year, I remember learning about the four P’s of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion). However, I did not know the 5T’s of marking existed. The 5T’s include:

Talkers: Find people who want to talk about you

Topics: Give people a reason to talk about you

Tools: Use tools that will help your message travel

Taking Part: Join the conversation

Tracking: Track and understand the conversation. Know what people are saying about you.

Four Rules Of Word Of Mouth Marketing:

1.) Be Interesting: Don’t be boring. People want to be entertained and engaged. Either be interesting or be invisible.

2.) Make It Easy: People do not want to deal with complication. People want to live stress free lives.

3.) Make People Happy: People want to be happy. Instead of having people search for happiness, make it easy for the customer and bring the happiness to them.

4.) Earn Trust and Respect. Preserve the trust equation. To preserve the trust equation, you need to trust and respect the customer first.


I have never blogged before and I was unaware of who bloggers really were. From this class, I have learned that bloggers can be anybody including myself. From taking this class, I have also improved my writing and blogging skills.


Conversation matters. “The best use of social media is to create two-way conversations---engagement” (Marketing 491 Lecture Notes). Conversations is what makes one interesting and worth listening to. Conversation is what connects us with each other. Conversation is life. Without conversation, people lose interest and without interest, one becomes invisible.

Happy Tuesday!

Connie Rae

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