Thursday, May 12, 2011

Northwest Immigrants Rights Project Marketing Plan

1. Name of your client and what product/services they provide.

“Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice for low-income immigrants by pursuing and defending their legal status. We focus on providing direct legal services, supported by our education and public policy work.

Through its legal services, NWIRP helps:
• Uphold Basic Human Rights
• Preserve Family Unity
• Prevent Persecution
• Protect Children
• Provide Hope for Justice” (

2. Select which areas of social media are the best match for your client and, for this assignment, a short reason why.

The best areas of social media for NWIRP to focus on would be Facebook, Twitter and a community blog. These are the best ways for NWIRP to get out stories about immigrants that they are helping quickly and simply. These tools are also easily accessible to a wide audience of potential donors who may not know why NWIRP is a vital organization or may not fully understand the type of work NWIRP does. This is also a great opportunity to engage that audience through modes that appeal to their own personal interests. With so many people on Facebook and Twitter, it makes sense that our core audience would be more invested in the organization if we actively sought out their opinions and participation in the things that we do.

3. You must include a formal word of mouth marketing plan so include the 5T's but for this assignment you don't need to identify each element of the 5T's unless you wish to.

My goal with the organization is to create a more familiar face for “the immigrant.” I want NWIRP’s audience to connect with the immigrant in order to understand the immigrant’s struggle and to engage in celebrating the immigrant’s victories. The best way to do this is through storytelling. Storytelling not only gets at the heart of understanding who the immigrant is, but it is also something that can be shared and discussed. The 5Ts play a key role in getting the stories of the immigrants that NWIRP assists out in a cohesive, easily accessible and relatable way.

My talkers will be the immigrants that NWIRP assists as well as the interns and lawyers that assist them. I also want to include the voices of donors and supporters of the organization, who can share their stories about why they support NWIRP. The topics would focus specifically on immigrants’ stories, but will also include current political immigrants rights issues in the media, development of immigrants who have been helped by NWIRP, and interesting cases that attorneys and interns can share on blogs or through video. The tools would be Twitter, Facebook and an office blog, as well as YouTube to capture our stories. Our followers and subscribers can take part in discussions that we post through our tools by sharing their opinions on immigrants rights issues, posting their own stories and by sharing things that they see in the media. Twitter and Facebook are all tools of vanity and when people are spotlighted they feel special. The goal of engaging our followers and subscribers would be to make them feel like they are an important part of NWIRP’s work- without their support the organization would not survive. To track the efficiency of our social media campaign, I will focus on monitoring and responding to comments and using Twitter tools that measure the effectiveness of our message. The Wordpress blog sites also has tools that track how people respond to blog posts and the number of site visits, all of which help us know what messages get people to participate more.

4. Think about mobile and whether it could help your client. If so, what kind of mobile marketing are you looking at? QR code, phone app, iPad (tablet) app, and, for this assignment, a short reason why.

Because of the limited resources NWIRP has, mobile marketing would only be useful for the organization if it was free. I see a great potential in using QR Codes as a way to share important stories if by scanning it will take you directly to a video about the immigrant or if it will give the user a special clue about NWIRPs annual celebration. The use of the QR code would need very creative implementation and would have to contain material that is shared, reblogged or retweeted in order for it to really be effective. Another mobile marketing campaign that I can think of would be the text to donate campaign but this is a costly effort that requires a lot of logistical planning and dedicated staff to handle SMS messaging- all of which NWIRP has no resources for. Because QR Codes are free and easy to develop, this would be a great first step for the organization and as resources become more abundant because of increased interest in participation, NWIRP can venture further into mobile marketing.

5. Does it make sense for your client to create an alliance with a partner for cause marketing? If so, for this assignment, a short reason why.

OneAmerica and NWIRP share some of the same donors and constituents. After researching their efforts in social media, I find that they have a lot to share with NWIRP in terms of strategy and execution. The participation of their followers is immediately visible, with subscribers and followers uploading video of protests and marches they attend on the OneAmerica YouTube, or blogging their own experiences as part of OneAmerica’s Blog Squad. These are tactics that NWIRP can model, but I see great potential in cross-marketing between the two organizations. However, the main issue would be to make sure that both organizations’ missions align and that NWIRP is not affiliating with OneAmerica solely to garner more followers or subscribers, but to continue its mission of helping low-income immigrants by finding new ways to make the immigrant more relevant. It would make more sense for NWIRP to affiliate itself with local law organizations that not only support NWIRP’s cause but have their own lawyers donating their time to defend immigrants’ rights. These groups and individuals can share their stories and invigorate the conversation as experts in the legal field. The only difficulty I can foresee is simplifying the lawyers’ stories to make them relatable and accessible to a larger lay audience.

6. You should include ethical standards appropriate to your client.

Because the immigrant is the focus of my marketing plan, I have to make sure that privacy of the immigrants we work with as well as the privacy of our donors is respected. We cannot share their stories without their authorization. Also, the staff (volunteers, interns) will be the initiators if the conversation and we must ensure that they disclose that they work for NWIRP and that their opinions align with NWIRP’s organizational beliefs. Majority of the interns and volunteers do not receive compensation for NWIRP, thus it is also important for them to disclose that they are not getting paid for sharing their stories. The organization must also disclose affiliation with third party organization that NWIRP has on their social media sites and maintain open channels of communication with the target audience.

**I currently volunteer for NWIRP as a marketing intern, these statements are my opinion and do not reflect the opinion of NWIRP**

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