Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blog #16 – Ten Rules for CRM Success [Chapter 15: Customer Relationship Management]

· Which of these steps is your personal client executing well and which steps could your personal client be executing better? Explain why.

Ten Rules for CRM Success (p. 381 – 382)

1. Recognize the customer’s role.

CakeSpy is definitely executing this step well. Jessie O., company owner, provides a large number of various on- and off-line activities with the consumer in mind. Her website alone seems to be created foremost with the consumer in mind. Jessie O. directly responds to customers’ inquiries and comments on her website, Twitter, Facebook, and her blog. Almost every webpage is dedicated to fun and information created just for visitors.

2. Build a business case.

Jessie O., being an entrepreneur, seems to have a knack for knowing how to weigh the costs and benefits of CRM technology. She wisely utilizes social media – entirely free with vast benefits for both her and her customers.

3. Gain buy-in from end users to executives.

Since her physical retail store has just recently opened this year, Jessie O. is still working out how her sales team can best reach and meet customer needs and wants. I have no doubt that she will find a good balance because she has been a part of the business world through many different facets and has succeeded in them all.

4. Make every contact count.

Jessie O. is unbelievable at multitasking her various communication channels in order to respond to every consumer. When I first e-mailed her about our marketing plan she responded to me that very same day – which I found incredible considering how much mail she must receive each day.

5. Drive sales effectiveness.

CakeSpy could probably use a little work in this area. Jessie O. sometimes forgets that her company is her livelihood, and while she is amazing at CRM, her business cannot survive without the sales themselves that are the driving force behind her being able to supply so much to her consumers for free.

6. Measure and manage the marketing return.

This area is one of the more difficult of the steps because it is hard to determine how effective one’s marketing truly is. Retailers can never be 100% certain how well their marketing is doing until seeing the end result. Though, based off her notifications of events and gallery showings online through Twitter, the website, and Facebook, I believe she shows great effort – the only question is: are the people showing up?

7. Leverage the loyalty effect.

This is one of the areas that Jessie O. has been able to excel in. I don’t know how she responds to all her customers so quickly but I have yet to see an unhappy one. She treats her customers like friends and engages with them in a way that they are sure to be repeat shoppers. She has a fun and funky personality that seems to be well-liked by a large community in northwest.

8. Choose the right tools and approach.

Up to now Jessie O. has utilized many online tools that have become recently available to her and her company. I believe there are some fresh new tools that she may not be aware of but that could greatly assist her in carrying out her day-to-day business.

9. Build the team.

I am confident that Jessie O. has assembled a strong business team on all fronts. She has made concrete contacts and found people that enjoy this particular work as much as she does. Her employees always seem happy and upbeat which just shows that there must be a solid ground underneath their feet.

10. Seek outside help.

Jessie O. has networked with a multitude of baking and art groups around the Seattle area that are working towards a better cause.

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