Friday, April 22, 2011

Socialnomics Part II.

E-book Readers

I can't say that I'm much of a fan of e-book readers, though I also must admit that I've never used an electronic reading device like the Kindle for an extended period of time. Part of the appeal of reading a book is the tangibility of holding it in your hands and turning the pages. To me, reading is an escape from the digital world; from the internet, TV, iphone, and the advertising that is now an organic part of these forms of media. With that said, I think it's rather sad that advertising and marketing efforts are predicted to slip into nonfiction and fiction reading materials.

Advertising within Social Networks is Actually Effective...or is it?

According to a study by Razorfish, 76% of individuals surveyed responded that they didn't mind seeing ads while logging into Facebook or other social media sites. The survey also found that 40% of these respondents confirmed that they made a purchase as a result of seeing those ads. I find these statistics quite surprising. I don't think I've ever spoken to someone who enjoys seeing the slew of ads that litter social media sites. I know from personal experience that I tend to ignore advertisements online, whenever possible. And I have never clicked on advertisements on Facebook, as I've heard that they can lead to spam or even having your account hacked.

Four Critical Steps to Social Media

Qualman showcases four important and simple steps to utilizing social media efficiently:

1. Listen to your customer and conversations
2. Interact, aka join the conversation
3. React, adjust your product, as necessary
4. Sell

These steps remind me of Andy Sernovitz' Five T's:

1. Find the talkers
2. Give them a topic
3. Utilize the right tools
4. Take part in the conversation
5. Track the results

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