Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Socialnomics 2nd part.

Three things that I am most interested about when reading the last four chapters are:
Social media vs. search engine. In chapter 5, Qualman said that searching for information in people's own network will save ton of time and get more valuable idea than doing it through the search engine such as Google, Yahoo, Youtube,... Is this the new coming shift in the way people search for information, I am wondering? In recent years, people use search engine more than anything else to search for ideas, or products. But based on what Qualman says, can we expect a new trend of searching for information will arrive in near future? If yes, this new trend can make social media become even more powerful in the future, not only the way people communicate and keep in touch but the way people look for information and the way to influence people's life style in the future as well.
Jared, Subway and Opportunity. Also, in chapter 5, the example about Jared and Subway is a good example of how customers has influence to the companies nowadays. Not only this but the example about three travel companies develop their online applications helps to demonstrate this idea as well. A company which doesn't know how to listen to its customers and value their ideas could lose their potential market to a competitor who is better in value and follow customers' wants. It is true today in out time and essential to keep the business running well.
Marketing's Philosophy. Look at the differences between Marketing's philosophy yesterday and today, majority of the differences come from how businesses think about their customers. In the past, businesses think customers doesn't know anything and so their jobs is leading customers to what they need. Nowadays, customers are the leaders, businesses need to follow the customers so customers can lead them to what make them successful and outstanding compare with other businesses. Therefore, some of the traditional marketing theory can not be apply in this new environment.

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