Thursday, April 7, 2011

WOMMA: Code of Ethics

Although, combining and applying all the core values that WOMMA member share is necessary, I personally belive that the most important ethic code is "respect." My perspective, as I've been a customer and a business operator, towards this ethic code is that the the more you give, the more you get back. This should work, just as it has always been said "treat others the way you would like to be treated." If we show people respect, it's not difficult to generate environment of trust between comsumers and marketters.

To make this clearer, I'll mention to what's going on in the home made ice cream shop, a business that I've been involved. The customers, particulary those doctors and nurses who work at the hospital near our shop, usually complain that most brand names ice cream being sold today are not organic. There are many artificialities had been added to the ice cream, such as colors and perservative. Since we respect in the opinion of our customers, we've listened to them and focused on consumer welfare when producing our products. We use high quality natural ingredients and add no preservative or colors.

The result have turned out that we have been trusted by those customers and also get real loyal fans. They, in addition, became our talkers. They spreads this good things about our ice cream to their friends, co-workers and family. We ended up with geting more and more customers. Therefore, I think the core value "respect" together with the belief that consumer is the king are essential in helping our business running.

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