Looking back to my senior year of high school, there was never a doubt that I would attend a University. Me and all of my friends had very good grades, we were all very active, and going to college excited most of us. I had always talked with my friends about which Universities they were going to apply to, and I believe that a lot of high school students talk with each other as well. Word of Mouth is very important in the decision to choose Universities to apply to, and I believe that Google ads combined with creating word of mouth "ambassadors" to go speak with targeted students and parents, would be the most effective approach with the given list of recruiting methods.
Google Ads, if used well would be a very effective way of getting prospective students from the search engines to the Seattle University website. With keywords like "Universities" and "Seattle", a prospective student would see Seattle University as a result. This is a method that is not very direct (like direct selling), but any prospective student who may be looking for a college to attend could find Seattle University on Google.
Creating and sending word of mouth ambassadors is effective in a different way.These ambassadors are able to go to a targeted school and personally give prospective students (and their parents) a picture of what it's like to attend the school. Also this meeting/presentation is ideal because all of the students' and parents' questions can be answered, papers and brochures concerning the school can be handed out, and contact/website information can also be handed out personally at the end of the presentation. These ambassadors give Seattle University a face and a direct connection to the school.
A friend of mine had a dad that was subscribed to a site that would give out coupons and he gave me one for a free bucket of chicken at a local restaurant (they had put out a new brand of chicken). I used it with a couple of my friends because it was free, and the chicken tasted great. The coupon definitely worked, because I like this restaurant now, when I had previously disliked it.
As long as I'm able to consent to receiving these ads, I would not mind getting them. The idea of getting coupons from random ad-sites would irritate me. So, as long as the coupons are relevant to me I would not mind seeing them. I can't wait until the days that marketers are able to effectively put out online ads/mobile ads that are relevant to the ones viewing the ads. This should be easily attainable with systems like CRM, which pulls together data to give companies a better picture of consumers. I want to see more advertising going into mobile devices, but I can understand that it is still in its infancy.
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