In today’s sound bite world many blog postings limit a post to a maximum of 140 characters. It is essential for companies website URLS to be shortened to be successful in a world of hyper accelerated and condensed media outlet. Everybody wants his or her fifteen minutes of fame. CNN anchor does a great job of posting about his interviews coming up and takes input from fans about what questions to ask the interviewee. This keeps his 75,000 fans engaged and they feel that they are helping produce the show, which in a way they are. Because social media lends itself to unobtrusive advertising, that advertising is effective. “In a 2008 survey… 76 percent of the 1,006 people surveye3d said they didn’t mind ads when they logged-in to Face book..and 40 percent said they made purchases after seeing those ads”.
When you post a blog or something about your company on social media it is important to follow the five pillars. Before writing a post you need to know what you are doing, where you are doing it, why you are doing it, what success looks like and what potential pitfalls you may encounter. A new program has been set out by Microsoft called the Bing cash back program. Microsoft announced it would be giving cash back to people who use Bing and subsequently click-through and make a purchase. Money that was previously dispersed to middlemen is now being redistributed to the companies themselves and to the consumers. A unique way to look at advertisements and search engines is advertisers spend money based on actual return-a sale being completed. Whereas search engines receive a percentage of revenue derived and searchers receive a discount or cash back.
Just as the one-way messaging strategy of advertisers is no longer viable in this new age, it no longer works for employers either. Millennial are used to and want collaboration, but they will not necessarily acknowledge or adhere to traditional lines of authority or chains of command. Soon, many baby boomers in executive level positions will retire, and there will be an intense talent fight between companies. Companies can give themselves an advantage by understanding that this new talent has different attitudes, expectations, and skills than the previous generations. By using social media tools during the recruitment process, companies have a better chance of maintaining talent because its more likely to help put the right person in the right position. However, an employer’s work is just beginning when they hire someone.
-Tim McCauley
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