A recurring theme in this book is the new founded aspect of social justice. Social media is making the business world a better place. Consumers are gaining power and taking their rightful place as the focal point whose needs should be tended to by companies and not the other way around. If your business is rude or not worthy of praise, it isn’t going to get it. Instead, it’s going to be made known that people shouldn’t give you their business. People trust each other because we all have the same basic wants in common. We want respect; we don’t want to be taken as fools. Businesses that are socially responsible and have the right mindsets will accordingly receive rave reviews. Businesses that are filled with deceit are going to start to struggle to keep their heads above water.
What’s going on here is a movement towards the way things should actually be. The consumer as a person, not their wallet, should be the most important to companies. If we don’t feel special there’s nothing to keep us from giving our business to organizations that put forth that bit of extra effort. The bare minimum is not going to fly anymore. A lot of businesses are going to have to undergo complete transformations because, thanks to the internet, we now literally have a world of opportunities that we can choose from. The competition is getting fierce and customers are the prize. Each patron is a privilege bestowed to a company in return for amazing customer service – therefore, we need to be earned. Those that conduct business honestly and aim to please customers above all else will ultimately benefit.
It’s going to become increasingly hard to hide dirty little secrets from the clientele. People will forgive for past mistakes if the wrongdoers are truly sorry but people can also dole out punishment. So players wise up and jump on the social media train. Don’t try to hid things, disclose everything. Conduct your business the way you should and things will be easier on us all. The objective isn’t making a profit anymore, it’s making an impact. Keep it clean folks or fall out of the loop.
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