Thursday, April 14, 2011

E-Marketing Chapter 13

Online Display Advertising

In my opinion, using online display advertising is pretty effective when comparing with most of the internet advertising. This is because these ads are compose with more graphics and white space than text. In addition with traditional banners and many sizes. This is a very effective way when the purpose of advertisers want to create and establish the brand awareness. Since these ads often pop-ups in the separate windows and are easily to draw the attention of internet user (even though most of them tend not to click on it and response to it). However, according to the human brain's functioning, human tend to have a longer memories with pictures and drawings in stead of writing. Thus, through these kind of ads, advertisers can achieve to their aim for building up the awareness of their target users.

This model of advertising is similar with billboard and advertising on magazine, once you build the brand awareness, you are one step beyond other competitors. This is helpful because when the consumer remember your brand, they will tend to choose you instead of others even though they have not try that before.

'Will it blend?'

The advertising method of the Blendtec brings a huge success for Tom Dickson, the CEO of Blendtec. He make a very good use of the online social media and create a buzz for his video. He posted many video on YouTube which is a really low cost advertising strategy. Through this he can create the awareness of his brand and at the same time proved the great power of the blender. The real experiment of his blender can really show the audience how useful it is in stead of just saying. Moreover, he used a really fun way to take the video and I think the most impressive part to me is that he did have interaction with the audience.

He will accept the request of the audience of what they want to see the object to be blended and show it through the video. Through the interaction with the customers, he builds up the relationship with them. And the videos are more than enough to convince the audience to believe what Blendtec claims about how useful they are.

Three most important rules for successful E-mail marketing

1. Check your e-mail reputation to see if it will make it through ISO filers.
Since many of the company that sent e-mail for advertising their products are being blacklist through the ISP filter. That means what you send cannot be reach to your target audience. And that is no mean for doing this. Since recently many companies are using e-mail to reach their potential customers, and I personally agree with having filers to clear out the spam in my mail-box since it is pretty annoying. However, being a smart advertisers should make sure the e-mail advertising that you are sending out can reach to your target audience so as to reach your goal.

2. Make it easy for users to unsubscribe. This builds trust.
Make it easy for users to unsubscribe can also make people more willing to subscribe for it. Since people tend to choose the most easiest way for anything, no one want to spend an hour to discard what they did approve online. Therefore, acknowledge the people and let them know that it is easy to unsubscribe can encourage the people to try something out. And at the same time trust that the company is not tricking them by advertising.

3. Use an e-mail address that is professional.
This is very important according to my own experience. Whenever I check my mail-box, I will delete those e-mail from unknown companies or users. However, e-mails that come from some well-known companies and professional organization will at least drive me more to click on it and scan through it. Basically, I think using professional e-mail can give the people a first impression that they are not spam and are something that they can be trusted to click on it. Since many of e-mail now have links which contains virus.

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