"Business models need to shift. Simply digitizing old business models doesn't work; businesses need to fully transform to properly address the impact and demands of social media". We often see print ads in a fixed, non-motional way. However, on the web, we see moving ads and games, which draw more attention. Ads such as virtual dolls dress-up games (a form a virtual community and social media), or "shoot me", "click me" phrases shout more to the audience in comparison to those that simply shows flat boring information on the side.
"Social media enables customers to instantly post what they like and don't like about anything from products to governments." Traditional way of finding out whether someone likes something or not has to go through paper surveys, phone calls, in person inquiries...often time the company (government too) has an inaccurate answer because people may feel watched or pressured to respond in a certain way. By comparison, social media allows a person to respond via first impression--because the like or dislike button is so easy to push. The response is also voluntary--not paid or swayed by any means. Social media makes people more honest than ever before.
"The interpersonal communication skills of Generations Y and Z have been retarded by reliance on social media tools that aren't face-to-face or verbal." Young people often feel they can communicate freely when they are typing on IM or texting; there is no embarrassment or the pressure of emotion and expression. If one feels like smiling, they can put a smiley face. They feel like laughing, they can put lol--even when they don't mean it. The specific language used in social media has become new words in our dictionary. It is not about whether you know it or not; it is: you must learn it to fit in. My high school teacher actually write a rule about the forbidden words on essays: "ttyl", "txt", "lol", ...etc. and many more.
"Social Media can help provide important political pressure and also raise money as evidenced by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and earthquake rescue efforts in Haiti." More recent example includes the revolution in Egypt and the Japanese relief effort. There are many Egyptians who desire political freedom, but not many dare to speak up. Once they log into social media and realize there are many like-minded people around them, they found the courage to fight. When the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, young people in Japan kept the whole world updated with cell phone videos, twitter updates, facebook status updates, pictures... much faster and more authentic than traditional media releases.
Moreover, I believe Obama won the election via social media because he was able to reach the younger generation using the media they preferred. This is the same as previous presidents reach their audiences via newspaper, then television, then cable and internet...etc. This should not be surprising at all.
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