Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog #1 - Word of Mouth Marketing [Chapter 1 thru 5]

Andy continuously makes it aware that WOMM is free, thanks to many medium that can be accessed through the internet, but it is only free in the financial sense of marketing. You have to commit your company to “earning…good conversation.” He isn’t trying to sell companies on anything, he’s simply enlightening us as to how to best represent ourselve

I appreciate that this book not only gives advice to budding businesses, but it too sheds light on how to rectify past mistakes that may have been made by companies that have been around for quite a while. Andy’s message gives hope to all ages of businesses, which is part of what makes his book so universal – every person in the business world can learn from it and apply these techniques and thus reap the rewards.

Many key aspects are emphasized throughout these chapters in order to achieve the desired type of word of mouth marketing companies seek. A company need to simply follow a few simple rules, rules they should be following anyway, inherent to the true nature of a business and perhaps a tad more to gain many fruits for their labor. This makes much of what Andy points seem obvious goals of any business, but today’s business world is full of temptation – as the media makes apparent – and many have lost sight of the foundations that commerce were originally built on.

In chapter two, Andy writes “Everything lives forever in Google.” This is an idea that has been reiterated to me in many of my courses this school year. My ECIS teacher, who once wrote applications for Facebook, was the first to point out that once something has been established on the internet it will be there forever. For instance, after creating a MySpace or Facebook page and then deciding to delete it, does not mean that the information displayed will be removed from the internet… It can still be found. It has really made me and my friends carefully contemplate what we put on our networking pages and other internet-based personal profiles.

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