Thursday, April 7, 2011

Third Blog (ethic code)

The third day of class, we were talking about how powerful the Youtube is. We watched the video about two rappers giving free advertising for Starbucks. It was a very interesting video. It really proves what Andy Senovitz says “Happy customers are your greatest advertisers.” Two happy customers just did the free advertising for Starbucks. It also shows us that how easy to make advertising just by posting Youtube video. The Starbucks video reminds me other similar video I have watched on Youtube which is about Mcdonal’s. It has attracted hundreds of people to click “like” of this video. As we can see how powerful, fast and easy the Youtube is. Here is the video. Ethic Code It is hard for me to only select one section of the ethics codes because I think all of them are important. However, if we need to select the most important one I would choose Respect and Honesty. In these days, customers and marketers are no longer separated. Marketers need to build a relationship with customers. They need to listen to their customers, care about them and know what they needs and wants. I believe that before to build the relationship, marketers must respect their customers. “WOMMA members believe that the industry is best served by recognizing that the customer, not the marketers, is fundamentally in charge and control, and that it is the consumer that defines the terms of the consumer-marketer relationship.” Customers have powers to control the relationship with marketers; they are in charge of it. Yep, every company knows about “respect” to their customers but do they really do the good job of respecting their customers, maybe not. Lots of companies lost their customers because of not respect their consumers. Once you respect your customers and treat them well they definitely will talk about your products or services to their friends and family. I also believe that “Honesty” is important too. “customers should be free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words.” It is good opportunity for company to look at what their customers think about them. If customers make good commons they should keep doing it but if customers make bad commons they should apologize and make change to improve themselves. Also, it is good to have customers’ opinions because companies can improve by looking at those opinions to satisfy their customers.

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