Thursday, April 7, 2011

Code of Ethics.

I have had difficult time to decide which one is the most important part of Ethics Code. They all seems important at the same level. But if I have to pick the most important ones. I would choose Honesty and Responsibility. For me, these are the first two factors to go with in order to build up relationship between marketers and customers. Trust, Respect, and Privacy will surely follow after when Honesty and Responsibility are well-built. If customers are able to honestly share their own opinion with marketers and get good and quick responses from marketer, I see no reason for customers not to trust and respect the marketer. When Trust and Respect are built, Privacy will go right after.
Honesty and Responsibility nowadays even become more important to build relationship with customers. Social Media and word of mouth are now the most powerful tools for marketing. How can people believe in what you say on Social media if you not being honest and responsive. How you work with people over and over again on Social Media if they do not trust you and feel comfortable meeting you in person. Word of mouth and social media require marketers to put a lot of effort in being honest, trustful and responsive to gain customers' trust in doing business. Because customers don't talk to marketers in person so they need to feel comfortable, cared and safe when they choose your services. And what make them feel that? Marketers' honesty and responsibility.

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