Thursday, April 7, 2011

Code of Ethic

Integrity & Respect

Since internet and technology have been narrow down the distant between country and people, there are more and more business and companies trying to transform to global workforce. Being a marketing student, people always ask me one question, “How do you distinguish the ethical point when you create the promotion strategy or advertising?” To be honest, it is very difficult. However, I believed that integrity and respect will be the two basic core values to be followed.

The last couple year, social media have the huge impact to today’s marketing world. Unlike traditional marketing environment, companies almost have nothing to hide to the consumers anymore. Every little actions and customer experience could be next day’s hot topic in Facebook and Twitter; therefore, providing the creditable and useful information of the products and services become very important to the customers. In my opinion, advertising products and services not only need to engage with consumers need and want but also need to explain and inform customers enough details. Instead of persuade customers buying the products, marketers should concern about what information could make better informed purchasing decisions. Of course, all the advertising agencies want to present the best part of the products in front of people; however, sometimes it is better not to be misleading or confuse the product features to the consumers.

In the end, I also think that the consumers sometimes should be kind to the corporations especially writing the blogs. Because word of mouth is such a power tool, every commons could cause huge issues. In my opinion, in order to create the ethical business environment, consumers and corporations should give equal respect and responsibilities.

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