Friday, May 6, 2011

Trendsetting in Digital Marketing

The trends of consumer expectations are constantly changing. As marketers we must evolve and adapt just as rapidly. While reading the Adobe Scene7 2011 Survey: Digital Marketing in the Next Decade a few items caught my attention. It seems to me that companies are just keeping up with these trends instead of establishing them. It is quite interesting that advertisements used to guide purchases much more heavily than they do now. Now, consumers want dialogue, interaction, entertainment, community, and even social causes to be a part of their purchasing experience. An ad doesn't sell something on its own anymore. It has really come down to the trends in digital marketing and making a connection with an audience of buyers.

One piece of information that caught me by surprise was that out of those surveyed, 55% listed website analytics as the top deployed execution. Campaign analytics came in at 26%, while social media analytics came in at 21% in the top planned execution strategies. This seems unreal to me. (Those numbers are low... are they not?) Isn't the first step of a marketing plan to gather base level metrics in order to see if the plan works by measuring the results against the base numbers? It seems to me that analytics play a key role in establishing the success or failure of a plan. I sincerely hope that the companies who didn't list analytics as a top execution or planned execution are using some other form of metrics.

I can't say that this survey sparked any new ideas. Instead it has reinstated the importance of an entertaining, impactful, and engaging digital marketing campaign. For my personal project, it will be a good challenge to make real estate a dynamic and fun experience for buyers and sellers who need the expertise of my client. Time will only tell if I am able to break the stream of followers in this digital marketing realm and be a trendsetter within an industry.

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