Sunday, May 22, 2011

Social and Cultural Contexts

The topic I chose to write about is the social and cultural contexts of Consumer Behavior Online. Paldo World is an interesting target when considering consumer behavior online, because Koreans are one of the most technologically connected cultures in the world, yet Paldo World doesn't have a website. I think it is because they feel they do not need a website to be successful, but I also think that having any kind of online presence would greatly increase the perception of presence within the community.

The section talked about self-service, which I thought was the most important point for Paldo World. The concept of self-service is that customers want to be able to log onto a site, find information, make purchases and make inquiries at anytime. Also they want to be able to use all methods to do so; computer, telephone, PDA/smartphone, or fax machine (all of these producing a single message). So consumers want to be able to connect with the company when and how they want.

What this means for Paldo World is that they need to fill in the void that they currently have. People are able to call them and fax them, but are not able to communicate with them, and get specific data, via phone and PDA/smartphone. For Paldo World, it's as simple as creating a clean website with a title page, contact information, a couple items on sale, and a page with google maps and opening hours. A simple page like this would allow them to refer customers to their website (currently they run ads in a Korean newsprint that advertises just their location). A blog, nutrition information, cultural information, etc. are all optional but recommended if Paldo could find the right volunteers to maintain the site. With this site, Paldo World would not only be available by phone and fax, but also through the computer and PDA/smartphones for a more rounded customer base, 24/7.

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