Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Connect and Enjoy

Connect: One of the main reason why social media is so popular is because people likes to feel connected, right? So I think this is one of the most important point for my client. T-station has to be able to make them self pleasant so that people would be happy to connect with them. Moreover, the usage of Smart phones among youngsters is increasing. My client should take advantage of this fact and connect with their customers by posting up coming events, new menus and other sort of things that might interest their customers. My client can announce their gratitude for donations publicly, maybe though Facebook or other ways. We have to make the customers feel appreciated while feeling connected.
Enjoy: Since my client's major target market is young adults, making the website/ Facebook page is very important. Nobody wants to see a boring page, especially young adults,right? Everybody loves to see things that is attention grabbing. But of course, we shouldn't make it to interesting/crowded that it makes it confusing for them. My idea for my client is to make a small game that relates towards their product on their official website so that it would attract more customers to log in and check out new things that is happening on T-station.

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