Monday, May 9, 2011

Digital Marketing Trend

Overall, I don't find anything is particular new from the survey. Those tactics are not new to me as I've seen they have been around and used for marketting purpose for while. So far, as the development in mobile technology keeps going on together with high level in adoption, marketing trends are changing just in the way we have expected. That is, traditional marketing is tranforming to digitalized ones.

I was surprised to see the tool like " Website analytics," which it is accounted for 32% for the people see them as very effective, are surpassed by personalizations. This because I always belive that customers including me like to keep our own"privacay."
It is ok for eBay or Amazon to remember my names and greet me on thier website, but not my previous purchases or credit card information. I admit that I do like anything that is convenient, but if those conveniece comes from an exchange of my personal information, I difinitely wouldn't want.

My focus has been on videos for merchandising, adveritising and demonstration tactic which is accounted for 36%. This tactic sparked an idea for my personal project client, an ice cream homemade company. I'm thinking of having a well-known nutritionist make a comparision of the ingredients we use with those ingredients of common ice cream being sold on the market since my personal project client only use high quality and low in fat ingredients (
product comparison 30%). We'll make a video showing the demonstration. This video will be available for customers to watch on our website and Facebook fan page which customers absolutely can post comments (user comments and review 32%). Those comments, review and the share button will help generating word of mouth activity.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking for my carrier in digital marketing. I am from Hong Kong, so I think I can get good opportunities in Digital Marketing Agency.

    Digital Marketing in Hong Kong
