My client is Seattle Clutter Solution. This is my client's website:
This what my client stated about "My diversified abilities address all areas of your clutter needs. I continue to expand services by following trends, improving my standard products, and listening to the customer and their needs. "
My unique service has established my place in this service industry. This allows me to make a distinctive and substantial impact on the lives of my clients. I look forward to being of service to you.
My unique service has established my place in this service industry. This allows me to make a distinctive and substantial impact on the lives of my clients. I look forward to being of service to you.
Her business is about helping people and providing some personal opinion to organize their life's project and their house.
West Seattle Community Center and Church will associate with because we are targeting to local neighbourhood and Female clients. Normally, some 50-70 years old people will go there. Also, Church is another good place to meet new people. There are no age limit .
My campaign idea is that we want to provide a first time discount for new customers. Also, my client plan to have class and business speechs in May which providing some trips by organizing their life's project and house. Last but not least, we want to build a positive reputation to our customers.
We want to use Facebook and Blogger to promote our idea. We will send out an event invitation for customers who join our Facebook page. These customers would be free to come to my client's class. Also, we will try to enerage our costomers to leave their comments on Facebook.
Also, I would suggest my client's whenever she sees some interesting house design and decoration, she can post it on Facebook and ask customers' opinion. Also, we will welcome our customers to post what they think it's interesting thing which relate to organization and tag us on Facebook.
In the Blogger, my client's would share about her projects and events' picture which allow people to know more about my clients.
If we have chance in the future, we hope that we can invite some local blogger come to the speechs or events. Hopefully, they learn from there and blog about it.
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