Thursday, May 5, 2011

Socail Media Campaign

When business leaders think about how to engage their customers and communities around social issues, social media presents an ideal vehicle. That is why Friendly Feathers is going to promote the first saturday of every month as five percent day on Facebook. Successful organizations treat social media as a living campaign, as opposed to traditional marketing where companies simply dispense ideas and hope for the best. Social Media's immediate connection with customers humanizes brands and provides a platform for engagement. This basically states that when individuals come into Friendly Feathers on the first Saturday of every month five percent of their sales goes to 410k charities in the greater metropolitan area of seattle. On our social media Facebook page we will post what charity money will be donated to.

Their is also a unique component about five percent Friday's in that each month the charity changes based off of the most popular voted from the ten bullet point list on our Facebook page. In other words if you are a "friend" of our Facebook page than that give provides an incentive in itself because you get to be involved and participate in the choosing of what charity to donate to. To help vote for one charity over another all you have to do is select one charity out of the ten listed and click.

People want to feel like their purchase is going towards a greater cause. The five percent of your sales days does not help the consumer directly but helps the community directly. This is a great social campaign for Friend Friends because it is perfect for our niche market. Friend Friends like many other outdoor camping and rock climbing retail stores have customers that are fairly eco-friendly and community conscious. This campaign provides an outlet for them to act on that awareness all in one convenient, easy step.

-Tim McCauley

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