Friday, May 6, 2011

Adobe Digital Marketing Trends Survey + Make-A-Wish Foundation of AK & WA

I am currently a social media marketing intern for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of AK & WA. With that said, the statements I may make in the following post are of my own personal opinion and are not representative of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and its mission.

1. What did you learn that is "new" from the survey?

I thought it was interesting that “Personalization features continue to be among the least deployed tactics, yet collect some of the highest “very effective” ratings from people who have deployed them or are planning to deploy them.” I was surprised that more marketers do not utilize personalization techniques to tailor content to their target audiences. Everyone enjoys feeling special and valued and personalization seems like a great way to make a consumer feel like he or she is more than just a “number.”

2. What did you read that sparked an idea for your personal project client and how might that idea be used?

The 2011 Adobe Digital Marketing Trends Survey revealed that multi-media, (such as video, integrated images and audio,) and interactive executions, (tactics that invite the consumer to participate,) tend to be most effective in raising the bar on customer experience.

These results inspired me to develop a campaign for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of AK & WA that utilizes multi-media and consumer interactivity. The I wish… campaign would invite individuals of all ages across Washington and Alaska to post a fun/creative/inspiring/humorous video on YouTube demonstrating what they most wish for in the world. (i.e. I wish…to be an astronaut when I grow up.) The foundation would partner with a corporate sponsor for the I wish… campaign—for every I wish… video uploaded on YouTube, one dollar would be donated to Make-A-Wish. (or something along those lines.) In addition, at the end of the campaign, the foundation would choose one video to be highlighted on the AK & WA chapter’s website and Facebook page.

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