Thursday, April 7, 2011

WOMMA Ethics!

What I found interesting was Standard 7 of the WOMMA guidelines: marketing to adolescents and children. What about the children that are under 13 that have a facebook, or twitter? They post their interests on their facebook and (as far as I am aware of) are subject to advertisements tailored to the interest they post. Do they not get ads? What about respectable businesses that advertise via newspaper, or tv for products specifically for children under the age of 13? I do not think Hasbro would be a fan of this. I have several cousins that are younger than 13 and that I am friends with on Facebook. They are subject to just as many advertisements throughout the day as I am, if not more in some instances. Kids under the age of 10 know associate more with fast food, and superheros than knowing what is a vegetable, and it is all from marketing. What is the difference whether they see it on a bilboard, or a facebook ad on the side of their screen? The final thing I really liked about the Code of Ethics was the fact that they described it as a "living document". We do not know where social media is going. Social media was not a present in our daily lives five or six years ago. Yet today it currently engulfs our lives. As a fun tidbit I leave everyone with this. When Friday comes around and we have opening day at Safeco, don't forget to Tweet Beer vendor Kevin Zelko for your ice cold beer at Safeco! Oh, and don't forget about the infamous Safeco beer drinking commercial. Who would have ever thought beer drinkers would be so smart?

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