Tuesday, April 5, 2011

First blog and last couple chapters thought from WOM

This is my first blog ever. I am really excited doing it. I have never understood the point of blogging before then Joe introduced us the book called Word of Mouth Marketing by Andy Sernovitz. In this book, it doesn't just tells us about word of mouth marketing theory but it also tells us what blog is. The main point of blogging is just to share what is in your mind, and what useful information you have found on the internet, but blog is not limited just for those two points. Thus, i would like to share what is my thought about last few chapters from book Word of Mouth Marketing.

There is one section from the book where Sernovitz mention "sometimes all you need to do is ask." This phrase remains me when i was in elementary school. Whereas all my previous teacher always taught me and the other students don't be shy to ask question. And my teacher always said this "if you are shy to ask a question, you will be lost." Somehow Sernovitz brought me back to when i was a little.

To be honest reading a long and boring blog is a pain in the neck for me. I like a blog that is short and simple, just like Sernovitz says "keep your topic short and sweet." You see i am a guy who like things are simple and straight to the point. However, to make a simple and straight to the point blog is not easy. Besides making it simple you need to make it interesting as well. Otherwise, people won't read your blog. For example, an eye catching title, opening, etc.

Well, like i just mention i like a blog that is short and simple...and here it is my first blog short and simple. Have a good day guys!

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