Monday, April 11, 2011

Blog Post 4 =)

BlogWell Atlanta Social Media Case Study

The talker first emphasizes the three main FTC rules:

1) Require truthfulness in social media- disclosure: don’t lie to people

2) Monitor the conversation and correct misstatements- clear up your messes.

Be responsible of what happened and clear the messes up

3) Create social media polices and training programs

His personal rules:

First of all, self disclosing- don’t pay for it. If company pay for positives blog posts, and if people found out, no one is going to trust the company or the blog post anymore. This will damage the company images.

Another interesting idea that he mentioned is a “real disclosure”. It needs to be completely clear to the readers. He describes it as “Don’t lie to your mom policy”, he said that if your mom read a blog post and she couldn’t realize it’s a advertisement. You are lying to your mom and you will be in troubles since your will have to explain.

He also mentioned that It disclosure is easy to do well and there are 3 big categories or things that we need to disclose:

1) Who are you? What is your real Identity? Do you work for the company? What are the relationship between you and the company?

2) Were you paid? Any kind and anything need

3) Honest opinion based on a real experience. What you write about need to be real.

Lastly, he mentioned that the company need to be careful about who they hired.

I total agree with this because if something goes wrong, company need to be responsible of all of all of that other than the writer or the agency. The company needs to pay for the penalty and the consequences.

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