Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The 3 Basic Ethic Principles from FTC Rules

After watching Andy’s video, I understand more about what rules we should be aware of when we using the social media to advertise the products and services. According to Andy’s, there are 3 important elements that marketers need to follow in order to protect corporations’ right and fair competition environment:

1. Be honestà require disclosure

2. Monitor the conversation and correct misstatements

3. Creating social media training and development programs

As a marketing student, I agree with Andy that corporations have the responsibilities to be honest and pass the right information to the consumers via advertising, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or etc. Even though there are many federal laws to protect the commercial speech, corporations really need to just tell the truth about their products and also claims the relationship while using the social media. In fact, companies really don’t have reasons to hide any secrete product features, promotions or buying talkers to create Buzz through the internet. I believed in the word of mouth marketing, even only once unethical mistake record could easily damage your brand and lose the truth from your consumers.

Couple days ago, I found this Mini Clubman on the YouTube.

You are right, this video is fake!!! But from the beginning till the end they keep telling consumers that in the real life you are not able to do these kind actions on the freeway. I think it is fair enough that Mini use this YouTube video to attract more consumers and tell their consumers the fake side of the commercial.

Next, many corporations worry about to open organic discussion broad through the social media. Moreover, some corporations will delete the consumers’ negative common or complain. In my opinion, these kind actions not only will hurt your brand awareness but also disconnect the relationship with your consumers in a long run. Companies need to learn how to listen and respond to their consumers while the unsatisfied experiences occurred.

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