Thursday, May 5, 2011

General Biodiesel

My client is General Biodiesel, a company that's located here in Seattle and produces, yup, you guessed it, biodiesel. In thinking about a non-prof that they could partner with for a cause marketing campaign I struggled a bit because it seems like the company itself produces a positive impact on the community and the environment by simply existing. However, in order to build brand awareness and therefore have a greater impact on our environment I think that GB should partner with the Washington Restaurant Association.
One of GB's slogans that they "use" (I put quotes around the word because they currently pretty much don't utilize any slogans/marketing/advertising) is "Creating Positive Energy" and if they were to work with the WRA they could really create some excitement around their name and their cause. GB and WRA should partner up to put together a type of restaurant week where the bi-product of your meal and the cooking oil that was used to make it, goes to GB. This would be unlike any other restaurant week for a cause because you're not directly donating your money to the organization, you're simply going out to eat. Social media could aid in spreading the awareness of the restaurant week, generating excitement, and passing along information.

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