1. My client is Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches. Jimmy John's was launched in 1983 and since then become one of the most American favorite sandwiches.
2. Who you would associate with and why. Jimmy John's can associate with local hunger organization within the stores' areas to support local hungers and homeless people, in order to reduce the reduce the rate of death caused by hunger in America and on over the world. Why? Because supporting hungers was the original inspiration for launching Jimmy John in 1983.
3. A campaign idea: Increase the price of each sandwich by 50 cent with a commitment that with each sandwich sale, Jimmy John's will keep $1 dollar to support local hungers (50cent from customer and 50cent from Jimmy John's pocket). Also, set up a charity station within the stores to drive can-food and donation then distribute it to local hungers. Moreover, contact local companies, organization, schools, institution,... to cooperate by having Jimmy John's Friday when Jimmy Johns will have a station on each campus and sell its sandwiches every Friday to collect funds for the campaign. Then, depend on how many cans and how much money collected in each state/area, Jimmy Johns will host a social event for local hunger every week/month/or quarter to distribute can food and jimmy john's sandwiches boxes to local hungers.
4. How social media would be used.
Video tape each event and post it on youtube, share it on Facebook and twitter. Also prior to the campaign, set up blog post, facebook page to promote the campaign and collect idea from loyal customers. Then, promote and encourage loyal customers to be volunteer in each social event hosted by Jimmy John's.
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