For viewers at the gallery, underneath each painting/piece in an exhibit Jessie (Cakespy’s “Head Spy”) could place QR codes resulting in:
The story behind the painting (kind of like the experience you would receive at a museum when using the headphones to get the history behind the masterworks)
Being sent to a site with upcoming free exhibits with similar artwork (perhaps in calendar form)
A downloadable recipe opening up that corresponds to her own pieces of art (since she usually paints edibles)
E.g., her print of cupcakes eating bacon could have a QR code that pulls up a recipe for bacon-flavored desserts (crazy, I know, but it’s also crazy how much people like the taste of bacon…)
Jessie could place QR codes discretely on any of her products (or simply use them as stickers to minimize their permanence). Here are some examples of what I had in mind:
Apparel (on the inside), Handbags & Accessories
Provide ideas on what colors/other pieces of clothing would go best with their purchase
A picture of a combination of clothes & jewelry offered by the store that make up an outfit (with a password that gets them a % off the entire ensemble’s price)
Show other items the customer may also enjoy that are coming soon/can be bought online with a discount
Original Artwork (on the back, of course)
The background of her and/or the painting, this way when friends ask about their newly acquired artwork the customer will be able to give the inquirers the 411
A list of poems/sentiments to put inside the stationery
A reminder of some important (upcoming?) dates (e.g., Mother’s Day) that generally require a card
Christmas/Holiday Themed Merchandise
A sweepstake where the winner receives a Cakespy basket full of goodies & the store’s best-selling products
A romance-inspired goody bag
Holiday related recipes/strange recipes that sometimes call for surprising ingredients (like her “Grilled Cheesecake” or “Cookie Cake Pie”)
Coffee Cups/Travel Mugs
Recipe for coffee-flavored/espresso filled muffins/cupcakes
Insight into what types of coffee/cappuccino goes best with what baked goods
Toys/Goodies for the Kiddies
Link to the pages of her coloring cookbook
Fun & safe baking experiments
Upcoming free food festivals/kid-friendly day activities
A lot of what Jessie paints is her signature pink frosted cupcake gallivanting around Seattle’s most renowned locations. These works could act as clues in an urban scavenger hunt/hide-and-seek. The QR code would bring up the painting of Cuppie (the animated cupcake), for instance, at Pike’s Place market, then the players would go to Pike’s Place to find the next clue (which would need to be easily found) to find the next piece of the puzzle and so on. Restricting the boundaries of such a travel by a couple of blocks could make for an exciting kid’s birthday party with the end resulting in a painting class, cupcake decorating party, or combination of the two. Another way to go with this is if the players are adult (which could widen the amount to travel) and the outcome is some kind of decadent cocktail party for the winners (or best couple of groups playing) with free drinks & desserts, live music, special event – adding exclusivity & incentive to win.
The QR code could be a virtual suggestion box where the person with the best idea for a new painting of the cupcake at a famous Seattle location wins a print of their suggestion or some of their traits in the form of a friend to Cuppie could become a part of the painting itself (which they would also receive a copy of… this could be their own personal 15 minutes of fame…).
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