Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Adobe Digital Trends Survey 2011

1. What did you learn that is “new” from the survey?

I thought it was interesting that personalization features are tremendously valuable, but they still continue to be among the least deployed tactics. For example, personalization features were able to collect some of the highest “very effective” ratings from people who have deployed them or are planning on deploying them. The reason I found this particular part of the survey interesting was because if marketers see the value of personalization techniques, that is tailoring content to their target audiences, then why are marketers failing to implement these techniques. I suppose the hurdles to implement personalization features may be too time consuming and expensive for the short term ROI. On the other hand, businesses should not be consumed by their current investments and the short-term gains. Businesses should be directing their attention to the long term ROI, the long-term relationships with the customers.

In addition, another new fact that I learned from the survey was that surprisingly, Japan continues to lag in the adoption of social and rich media tactics compared to EMEA and North America. I assumed Japan would be one of the leading adopters of social and rich media tactics based on their success in certain mobile-related applications such as QR codes. Perhaps with the surge and power of social media, Japan can adopt some of the tactics used by its Western Peers in social and rich media and North America can learn from Japan’s successes in their advanced mobile markets.

2. What did you read that sparked an idea for your personal project client & how might that idea be used?

So three executions that had “Very Effective” ratings that sparked ideas for my personal client include:

1. Podcasts or Live Video Feed: Elliott Bay Book Company presents and offers a schedule of author readings and events throughout the year. Many people may be unable to attend these events or the event may be sold out. Perhaps Elliott Bay Book Company could stream a live podcast/video of the event and post it on their website for viewers at home.

2.User Ratings & Rankings: Elliott Bay Book Company has an annual newsletter written entirely by the bookstore staff that features commentary and recommendations of recently published books. An idea to utilize these recommendations would be to offer a section for the users to rank and rate the chosen books using a five star scale. Using a rating and ranking scale would allow peers to have a stronger voice and involvement with the staff and bookstore.

3. Personalized Accounts: My third idea would be for Elliott Bay to offer its own version of Netflix to its customers. For example, Netflix is a subscription-based movie and television show rental service. Netflix offers their service and products to subscribers via Internet streaming and via US mail. Elliott Bay could create its own version of Netflix where it would be a subscription-based book and magazines/articles rentals via Internet and US mail. Customers would be able to set up their own personal account and add books to their queue for delivery. Also, based on the customer’s personal account and favorite section, the system would be able to personalize and recommend books to the customers liking. Additionally, Elliott Bay has already partnered with Google to bring its customers a more flexible way to buy eBooks. Elliott Bay could use their partnership and add value to it by offering their own version of Netflix through eBooks as well.


Connie Rae

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