This blog is for students in Seattle University's Marketing 491 class: Word of Mouth Marketing and Social Media, spring 2011.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
My First Day of Class
This class word of mouth attracted me a lot when I registered it. This is because this technique has been widely used and growing rapidly within these few years. For example, we can see how successful Facebook links people together and businesses make use of this chance to market and advertise their businesses with just a small amount of money. However, I think this is not a easy skill as we see, it is a skill which we have to learn in order to use it in a right and most beneficial way to us. I feel like if we know how to master this skill, it will be a great advantage for being either an employer or employee.
What I learned
After I read the required materials from this course, I conceptually understand the most recent trend for marketers. Web and Internet should be a growing and on-going trend for all kinds of businesses. Everyone love convenience and is impressed by those companies which provide them the ease of access. On the other hand, I was very impressed by the Five Ts of Word of Mouth Marketing. How companies get people talking and make them involve. Through this way, they can have access to how their customers view on their business without spending extra resources to follow up the opinions of their customers. And from this, companies can make continuous improvement and keep their pace up-to-date to the recent changing environment.
Day One of Mktg 491
Thoughts on day one...
My first day of class
My First Marketing491 Class
First Day of Class
With the growth of social media over the past few year, marketers have been seen a potential marketing opportunity to expand their reach to customers through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and etc. Social media has become a new trend to engage with customers. Unlike traditional marketing strategy, the word of mouth marketing turns out to be more powerful and creditable way to understand consumers’ needs and wants. When I sign in this class, I did realize that social media will impact marketing and advertising industry to the whole different perspective in the future. However, unorganized and poor design social networking could damage brand awareness, lost valuable customers and etc. I am very exciting to learn how to use the word of mouth marketing in the right way to make people talk about products, services or anything. I believe the next 3 months will be a very interested journey.
What I Learned
I think the most important thing I learned during first class is “Listen to your customers!” By watching couple YouTube video, I realized that today’s market model is not around Business to Business or Business to Consumer. It’s about Business launch customers talk to other customers. In addition, companies are starting to use social media to solved consumers’ complain or unsatisfied services in a quick way. For example, Alaska and Horizon Presidents use YouTube to apologize for cancels flight after outage. I am very impressed that Alaska Airline uses the social media to explain and apologize for their serious mistakes right on the first stage.
In the end, I am looking forward to learn for word of mouth marketing!!!! And I am glad that I sing up this class. : )
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Class Experience and Book Review
Word of mouth marketing- To me is a very interesting topic because companies just need to spend small amount of money on marketing. This is the main reason why I want to know more about these tools. Another reason I take this class because now many companies hire people who know about social media. To be honest, many people in our age have been using social media, but at least I don't know how to use social media effectively. I have feeling that I will change my view of marketing after this class.
What I have learned The first thing that I have learned is about "Storytelling". In my past experience, my marketing professors never mentioned about "Storytelling" as a marketing tool. But when I think back, I just realize that those ads I remember are because of storyline which I can easily remember. However, I would like you to show us more about reality example and help us to become a storytelling person since I am not good at it.
The second thing that I remember is about only 14% of people trust TV ads. I feel little bit surprise. The fact shows that consumers lost their trust. It's truth. I always use "On Demand" to watch drama because I can skip the ads. Ads push people too much and which makes me feel that using social media to sell products is very important. Social media became success is because we trust other consumers than companies.
"Word of Mouth Marketing" book review
I quite like this book because the author uses simple words to describe. Also, the topics are very organized which I can easily follow. Some ideas change my thinking, For example, He said that "Marketing is what you do, not what you say." The other idea is very useful, but I couldn't find which pages it is. The idea is about PR are not try to cover the truth. Their job is about changing the conversation from bad to good. Using different kind of word shape people’s opinion, but PR still tell the truth.
However, when I read this book, I feel that there are not too many reality examples. Sometimes I wonder that is it worked on the business world. I think that the author should use more statistic and a little more examples to prove his points.